
Valle, Pegz and I went to Nova today. I bought a bracelet from Indiska (picture) and a pair of tights, but when I came home, I realized that they were ugly hehe. Tomorrow, Ajen and I are going to see Brüno! It feel like it was ages since I saw her so I'm looking forward to that!

shorts, flower necklace, bag gina vest cubus butterfly necklace hm + knickers and a bra

vest+dress monki leggings+ring topshop bracelets bikbok+indiska shoes dinsko

Yesterday my family celebrated my 17th birthday. It's crazy, in one year I'll be 18 and then I'll be of age and everything. And next summer will me my last with a summer break and the year after that I'll take the upper-secondary final examination. Time goes so fast! Anyway, yesterday we ate cupcakes, two sorts of chocolate cake, cookies, fruit and candy. I also got exactly what I wanted, money! But I also got a gift card on a facial, some books, chocolate and some other things too. Thanks everybody!

As you can see I bought a fluffy skirt and a pair of animal printed leggings. From Top Shop at Illum.

vest monki dress topshop sandlas greece ben&jerry bag hultsfred jewlery everywhere

We went in to Copenhagen a couple of hours earlier so we had time to do some shopping before the consert. Here is a picture of me on Ströget.

My step mum Sofia and I in the middle of the crowd.

The consert was awesome! They played all my favourite songs and the singer really made an show out of it. The last song was "Oh my god" and it was a perfect final song!
Kaiser Chiefs is playing in Copenhagen today. Unfortunatly all my friends is out of town or unable to go there so I won't see them, and to go by my self is not an option! Here's one of their best songs in my opinion (Love is not a competition, Ruby and Oh my god is also worth listening to!).
Update: Changed plans, I'm going there!!!!!!!! YAAAY!!!! :D:D:D:D

from Monki.

This morning my family sang to me and gave me breakfast in bed and I got some presents! Now we've just returned from "Thank God it's Friday, I took a chicken wrap and the rest of my family ate hamburgers. Then we went to Lejonet & Björnen and ate ice cream, I took three scoops. Italian chocolate with orange, cake and cream and elder sorbet. It was sooo delicious! Now my stomach is so full I can hardly go hehe. In a few hours, my mom, step dad and sister is coming for BBQ. I won't be hungry tonight for sure!
happybithdayhappybirthdayhappybithday... me! It's now 19 minutes past midnight, it's july 23 and I'm 17!
I've just finished watching the film "Control". It's about Ian Curtis's (the lead singer in Joy Division) life. This is one of my favourite songs by Joy Division, You also have to hear "Shadowplay", "She's lost control" and "Love will tear us apart" if you like this song.

denim shorts ? tank bikbok rings topshop vest gina bag topshop glasses lindex

It's from Weekday btw!

Yesterday I went to Malmö with Pegz and Lollo. It was really nice to see them beacuse I hadn't seen Lollo since our summer break started and Pegz and I had to talk about everything that happened at Hultsfred. For Lunch I ate Ben&Jerry's, I tasted the new sorbet flavour. I think it's called "Jamaica me" or something like that. It was absolutley delicious!

I spent last week in Skanör. I love it there, everything is so easy. We wake up, eating fresh baked buns, going down to the beach, then back home in the afternoon for dinner. After that, we're going to the Italian ice cream bar. I always take their chocolate ice cream, there is no cocolate ice cream like the chocolate ice cream at the Italian ice cream bar in Skanör

Today mum and I went to Nova for some shopping. I bought a ring, necklace, bracelet or whatever (1), it can be used in many diffrent ways but I think I'll stick to use it as a bracelet. I also bought two tank tops one in grey and one white (3 and 4). Finally I bought this vest (2) I've been looking at many many times, I'm not so sure if I'll use it so much but it do look very nice with a white tank and a pair of worn out denim shorts.
Kaiser Chiefs - Never miss a beat
Kings of leon - Crawl
The Killers - When you were young
Joy Division - Disorder
Johnossi - Party with my pain
Klaxons - Atlantis to interzone
Glasvegas - Gerdaline
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Arctic Monkeys - The view from the afternoon
Peter Doherty - New love grows on trees
Nine inch nails - Every day is exactly the same
Klaxons - As above, so below
Hives - Won't be long
The Killers - Goodnight, travel well
Håkan Hellström - Ramlar
The Killers - Joy ride
The Raconteurs - Steady as she goes
Kings of leon - Closer
Yuksek - Extraball
Yeah yeah yeahs - Heads will roll
White lies - To lose my life
The soundtrack of our lives - Sister surround
The Kills - Black balloon
The Killers - Uncle johnny
Oasis - The shock of the lightning
Coldplay - Square one
Kings of leon - Crawl
The Killers - When you were young
Joy Division - Disorder
Johnossi - Party with my pain
Klaxons - Atlantis to interzone
Glasvegas - Gerdaline
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Arctic Monkeys - The view from the afternoon
Peter Doherty - New love grows on trees
Nine inch nails - Every day is exactly the same
Klaxons - As above, so below
Hives - Won't be long
The Killers - Goodnight, travel well
Håkan Hellström - Ramlar
The Killers - Joy ride
The Raconteurs - Steady as she goes
Kings of leon - Closer
Yuksek - Extraball
Yeah yeah yeahs - Heads will roll
White lies - To lose my life
The soundtrack of our lives - Sister surround
The Kills - Black balloon
The Killers - Uncle johnny
Oasis - The shock of the lightning
Coldplay - Square one

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This pic is from they gave us delicious smoothies. I'm not sure if you can see it, but we've got smootie on our over lips.

Ajen, peeking out from our tent. A sign said that it was waterproof but after it had rained, we had a pool in the tent.

The view from our tent.

This was our toilet for four days. Mmm cosy!

Ajen, Anna, Annika and Pegz, playing card, finns i sjön! But in which lake?

Franz Ferdinand, the were great, the first song they played was "Michael", one of my favourite songs!

Kings of leon, they were AMAZING! He was hillarious, he kept talking about that we should take care of ourselves and than he confessed "well, I'm a little bit drunk tonight....but take care of you guys". This gig and the Killers was the best of the whole festival!

The following day Emma, Anna, Ajen, Katrin and I playd a game called "Witch" or something like that in Emma and Katrin's RED tent.

We stood at front row at The Killers, here is the audience.

The Killers, this was the greatest of all bands, seriously the best moment of the whole festival! We sang along to all the songs, jumped the whole consert trough. I even thought I was going to die at one time. And I was standing two meters from Brandon Flowers, That's amazing! The final of the consert was the best thing I've ever seen in my whole life. They came back in on stage and sang "When you were young" (one of my favourite songs!). It was absolutly fantastic!
Everybody after the Killers. Katrin, me, Emma, Ajen, Anna, Pegz and Annika.

Then we saw Ludacris, which I didn't fancy at all. I knew one song, but he was allright.
After all the conserts, in the middle of the night, Ajen got the smart idea to move Pegz and Annika's tent from Träsket to our tent, and so we did so we just lifted it up and went through the whole camping. We left all the air madrasses inside so it looked like there was someone inside the tent, and everyone kept asking us who it was laying inside. Hahah I've never laughed so much in my whole life.

Breakfast time! This hard bread and some candy was what I was living on at Hultsfred. Hello Pegz in the background hehe.

Pegz, Emma, me and Annika. Hanging out at the festival area.

Markus Krunegård.

Hello sun! A stop at our daily lunch place! Warm soup and a sandwich.

Than we saw Madness. We only knew one song ("our house" ofc!) so we got a little bored but it was worth waiting for it.

Strawberries in chocolate, Yummie!

Ajen and me chilling out in our tent.

Mando Diao! When they played "Dance with somebody" was everybody dancing and singing alog, such a great feeling!

Timbuktu and Damn.

Adiam Dymott. I didn't saw her singing "Pizza" but "Miss you" was really good.

On our last day we ate Ben&Jerry for lunch! I took chunk monkey, mmmm!

Ice Cube and his homies.

Klaxons, the were the last band we saw, a great ending of a great festival!

Bye bye..

This pic is from they gave us delicious smoothies. I'm not sure if you can see it, but we've got smootie on our over lips.

Ajen, peeking out from our tent. A sign said that it was waterproof but after it had rained, we had a pool in the tent.

The view from our tent.

This was our toilet for four days. Mmm cosy!

Ajen, Anna, Annika and Pegz, playing card, finns i sjön! But in which lake?

Franz Ferdinand, the were great, the first song they played was "Michael", one of my favourite songs!

Kings of leon, they were AMAZING! He was hillarious, he kept talking about that we should take care of ourselves and than he confessed "well, I'm a little bit drunk tonight....but take care of you guys". This gig and the Killers was the best of the whole festival!

The following day Emma, Anna, Ajen, Katrin and I playd a game called "Witch" or something like that in Emma and Katrin's RED tent.

We stood at front row at The Killers, here is the audience.

The Killers, this was the greatest of all bands, seriously the best moment of the whole festival! We sang along to all the songs, jumped the whole consert trough. I even thought I was going to die at one time. And I was standing two meters from Brandon Flowers, That's amazing! The final of the consert was the best thing I've ever seen in my whole life. They came back in on stage and sang "When you were young" (one of my favourite songs!). It was absolutly fantastic!

Everybody after the Killers. Katrin, me, Emma, Ajen, Anna, Pegz and Annika.

Then we saw Ludacris, which I didn't fancy at all. I knew one song, but he was allright.
After all the conserts, in the middle of the night, Ajen got the smart idea to move Pegz and Annika's tent from Träsket to our tent, and so we did so we just lifted it up and went through the whole camping. We left all the air madrasses inside so it looked like there was someone inside the tent, and everyone kept asking us who it was laying inside. Hahah I've never laughed so much in my whole life.

Breakfast time! This hard bread and some candy was what I was living on at Hultsfred. Hello Pegz in the background hehe.

Pegz, Emma, me and Annika. Hanging out at the festival area.

Markus Krunegård.

Hello sun! A stop at our daily lunch place! Warm soup and a sandwich.

Than we saw Madness. We only knew one song ("our house" ofc!) so we got a little bored but it was worth waiting for it.

Strawberries in chocolate, Yummie!

Ajen and me chilling out in our tent.

Mando Diao! When they played "Dance with somebody" was everybody dancing and singing alog, such a great feeling!

Timbuktu and Damn.

Adiam Dymott. I didn't saw her singing "Pizza" but "Miss you" was really good.

On our last day we ate Ben&Jerry for lunch! I took chunk monkey, mmmm!

Ice Cube and his homies.

Klaxons, the were the last band we saw, a great ending of a great festival!

Bye bye..


Tomorrow morning I'm going to Hultsfred. It's a music festival here in Sweden. I've just made my bag, and damn it's heavy! I'm going to see the killers, kings of leon, and many many more bands. I'm sooooooooooo exited! I'm back home on Sunday. See yah! ;)

tshirt hm denim shorts ? glasses lindex hat gina bag denmark sandals hm

I've just returned from the beach with Lydia. It was lovely, the water was just as warm as I like it and I couldn't see any jellyfish in the water. Lydia brought a beer and I a cider. Here are some pics! :)

dress indiska bracelet indiska glasses lindex sandlas greece belt monki

Today my gandmother took me, my sister and my brother out for a dinner. It was really nice! They ordered to me and I got pesto noodles and chicken, it was delicious. Tomorrow Lydia and I are going to the beach. Btw, today was my last day at work, I'll actually miss it a little bit but it feels just so good to have holiday now!

After been walking around in a clothes shop for three weeks, you'll find your favourites, these are mine. The green batik tunic is actually way to big, but it looks really nice with a belt! I love the striped dress, I've already got like 500 striped pieces in my wardrobe but I just couldn't resist. I like the necklace too but I think that it's a little bit too long so I'll return it tomorrow. I also bought a white tank top, but it didn't suited me well, so that one will also go back to the store tomorrow.

jumpsuit hm hat gina glasses lindex + sandals greece

It's my last day at work on friday. Today was the last day my boss and I worked together. So today I got two gifts, it is just so cute of them. Thank you sooo much, made me really happy! I got a lovely floral printed scarf with small white dots on, It's adorable, and then I also got theese floral printed ballerinas. I looove ballerinas and I will get much use of theese! This summer job has easily been the best I've ever had! Everybody I've worked with has been really nice and the work has been pretty fun. Thanks again :D!