i a m c r a v i n g f o r p o r r i g e

jacket second hand dress hm
j u m p s u i t a n d b e l t

l e v i s d e n i m a n d s h e e p

svalorna / second hand
i h e a r t . . .

tshirt ny jacket ellos skirt mum's old
a l e x a n d e r w a n g

m i i k e s n o w
Miike Snow is playing in Malmö on Thursday. I really want to see them! We'll se what happens...
i t i s f r i d a y t h e t h i r t e e n t h

Today on the P.E. we played badminton. I got two balls on my forehead and in the changing room Mia threw her old sock at my head (by mistake), then at Espresso when I was standing up from my chair, I bumped into the lamp with my head. I usually never have this bad luck, then I remembered, it's friday the 13th today. Only a few hours left of this awful day and I'm going to spend them with Rebecca and Lydia at Lydia's place. Wish me good luck!
i m m u n e d e f e n s e

I had the worst beating headache ever when I woke up. Then, when I opened my mouth to speak it hurt so much I had to close it again. I swallowed two pills and it's much better now. Enough complaining, I've got a test in Biology tomorrow. Suitable, it's about the immune defense and the nervous system. Btw, I took the A(H1N1) vaccine last week. Might be the virus beating back on me a week later when my immune defense is low from a ordinary cold.. who knows?
w h e n i w a s y o u n g

tshirt second hand skirt weekday
s h e h a s l o s t c o n t r o l
Control, one of my favourite movies. Sam Riley as Ian Curtis from Joy Division. Great music, actors and pictures. Se it!
i l i k e t e a a l o t

marelid (green), gott&grönt, grönt&skönt, nk detox, chai

jeans cheap monday/2nd hand blazer vintage tank topshop + green bag topshop

It's mum's birthday today! This morning we sang for her and made her breakfast on the bed. Then we went to entré for some shopping and lunch at Waynes. Mum bought a black suede jacket and a pair of jeans. Since we've got the same size, I might borrow them sometime... Anyway, we've just finished her birthday dinner and I hope she's happy with her day. Happy birthday mum! :)