r e m e m b e r n o w b y c h a n e l
l o n g l o n g l o n g

dress hm
n e w s t u f f

flag london plate flea market candles ikea
l o n g d r e s s

from hm/divided
b l a c k / g r e y

blazer hm top cos shorts gina
b l a c k / w h i t e

skirt primark bag second hand
f r o z e n y o g h u r t

With strawberries and white chocolate!
L O N D O N p a r t 2

home sweet home

Waiting for the tube

maria was happy!

Glass noodles in China Town


China Town!

Fortune cookies

Lydia, me and Lollo

Big Ben

London Eye

Little Lydia

st james's park

at a pub in richmond. Sat outside!



at a restaurant

maria's witch nail!

fish and chips

shake shake


love this pics

haha love this pic

Maria and Lydia

cute 1

cute 2

Haha memories! Think it was Maria who dropped her yoghurt and it splashed throughout the whole room, which had a wall-to-wall carpet.

a tired Lydia

fancy fancy
m a r i a ' s d r i v i n g l i c e n s e

Maria's passed the test! She's the first one to get a driving license. I have to admit that I was a bit worried before I got into the car with her. But we're still alive! I'm really longing for a road trip with the girls now!
l o n g d r e s s

dress lindex bag topshop jacket ellos
v a l b o r g

Here are some pics from this friday. As you probably know, it was valborg. Around 15 pm Lollo and I went to stadsparken were we danced for a couple of hours, then we met some friends. And we ended up at a party.
s i e s t a . . .
...here I come! Some friends and I are going to the festival Siesta (27-29 may). We'll see artists like the Hives, Johnossi, Thåström, Danko Jones, Name the pet, Familjen, Maskinen and many many more! Exiiiiiiiited!!!