
Today, after work I met up with Ajen at Espresso house she had a chocolate frapino and I had a coke zero in a glass bottle. I love coca cola in glass bottles. I don't know what it's about those bottles but I think I like them so much beacuse of Andy Warhol's coca cola painting. Btw you have to check out Andy Warhol's works, they're all great, you also have to see the movie Factory Girl with Sienna Miller, that's a great film! After we had our fika, I took my bike home. Anyway, tonight I'll just watch a movie. Tomorrow, I think I'll go to the beach to get some sun! Kisses!
Postat av: Isabelle
Aww tack :D fin blogg du med;)
Btw je m'appelle Isabelle aussi ;) haha
Postat av: Winnie
Me too, there is something really nice about old school coke bottles!
Postat av: frickys
I am so wanting this top...