
dress zara hat gina glasses lindex shoes last summer or the summer before that :P
I've just returned from a place called Bjärred. It's known for it's ice cream and bridge. So ofc I ate ice cream, dark chocolate and pear. Yummie! Tonight we'll bbq corn and chicken and later on, I'll study biology.
Somrigt söt klänning!
Love your dress!
WOW, ursnygga du!!! Underbart härlig outfit, superfin hatt!
Tack =)
looking fresh!!
Tack hörddu !!
Åh detta var ju alldeles underbart ju !! så somrig och fin
beautiful shoes;D love the hat woth this dress;)))
Å så snygg outfit! :)
fy tusan, vad snyggt!
Hey! Nice blog :) I like your style and the fact that you mix it up with fun, everyday-pictures!
What a lovely outfit...darling...oh my gosh!
That dress is beyond gorgeouss!
illuminating outfit!!! you look great! ♥
Thank you so much for your comment. It gave me the chance to discover your beautiful blog!! This is a very cute outfit, and I'll be sure to be checking back!
love it! you look so pretty!
underbar klänning
svar: tack så hemskt mycket fina du! Detsamma, verkligen :]
hAHA JAA, den dök upp XD
visst var de söta? :)
göra idag?
beautiful! i love your hat. you look so summery and pretty.
Love the look, the hat and the dress are so chilled out!
Söt klänning=) hah roliga rubriker :P
So summery <3, you look beautiful!!!
I just love the stripes on your dress !
thanks a lot for the comments Isabelle, looks great with those dress, a muaaaa
Your dress is very sweet! Love your shoes!
Thanks for your comment! x
omg omg omg förlåt isabelle, du vet my studded bracelet, det kmr från lindex inte kappahl, jävla klantarsel är jag, var så trött så visste inte vad jag gaggade om idag, haha. puss
love alba x
lovely dress