
This is the only picture from yesterday. Me and Ajen as you can see :). We (me, Lydia, Ajen, Rebecca and Maria) went to pildammsparken i Malmö were we met Alex, Peggy and her friend. It was pretty boring, but It's always fun to hang out with the girls! The fire was really beautiful with the lights and everything. Today, I'll go on a picnic with my family in the beautiful weather. Later. Kisses!


1 me. 2 valle and peggy. 3 peggy and valle. 4 everybody! 5 haha it looks like we're doing some kind of dance. 6 peggy and lollo tried to look like the statue in the background haha.

Today we ate lunch at Fellini. I ate a delicious salmon pasta! In the afternoon I had a french test. Except for some stupid mistakes it felt pretty okay. Today is my sister's birthday, she's 9 today! We've always said that she was going to get her ears pierced when she turns 10. When she found out that she was going to ger her ears pierced today she freaked out! I've never seen anyone so happy haha. Tonight we'll eat cake and sing for her. Later, Kisses!


1. I just had to taste Ben&Jerry's new ice cream. It tasted like something between a cookie and an ice cream, a little bit like the swedish ice cream "sandwich" but this was even better! 2.Peggy was hunting for a pair of gladiator sandals while she found theese, wich I fell in love with, they're just so beautiful but my toes are so big and ugly haha. 3. She bought these gorgeous sandals from topshop, love them! 4. On the bus back home we tried to take pics on todays outfit haha.


Me, my sailor hat and my new glasses have just been out for a walk in the sun to buy Maltesers. I'll eat them tonight when I watch tv. Yumm! Later, kisses!


Today I've just been sitting out on the terrace in the sun, have ate yoghurt covered strawberries and drunk two litre diet coke. Yummie. I've also studied a bit french and I'll do some maths now beacuse I've got a test on Tuesday. Tomorrow I'll continue the searching of the perfect hat. Have a nice Sunday. Kisses!


1.sunset 2.malin, lyllan and elin 3.alex and werner + falkenberg in the bg 4.malin and me 5.the grill 6.maria


I really want a straw hat for summer. It has to be white (not orange as in the picture, I just like the model). I've seen one at gina, but they haven't got it in their stores yet. Anyway, Today I'll work from 12 to 17, after that, I'll meet some friends at the beach for bbq! I hope it doesn't get too cold. I'll just have to put on an extra layer clothes. Later. Hugs!


My day started with the test I told you about yesterday. After lunch, on the P.E. we ran 2000m (I walked haha). My last class was canceled, so after school I met Ajen and Rebecca at Subway. Yummie! We studied a little, but talked most haha. After a while Alex also came. Before we went to the bus Ajen gave me a pear cookie (on the picture!). It's soooooo delicious. Might be my new favourite cookie! Now I'll study physics beacuse I've got a small test on that tomorrow. Later. Hugs!

Min dag började med provet jag berättade om igår. Efter lunchen, på gympan sprang vi 2000m (jag gick haha). Min sista lektion vad inställd så jag träffade Ajen och Rebecca på Subway. Yummie! Vi pluggade lite, men snacka mest haha. Efter ett tag kom Alex också. Innan vi gick till bussen gav Ajen mig en päronbiskvi (på bilden!). Den är så himla god. Kanke min nya favoritkaka! Nu ska jag studa fysik eftersom jag har ett litet prov på det imorron. Kramar!


I'm back from Gothenburg. Had a great weekend! Later, I'll show you what I bought!


I'm going to Gothenburg right now. I'll be picked up in 45 minutes and I haven't even packed my bag PANIC! I'll be back on sunday. Hugs!


Yesterday I slept over at Ajen. We just relaxed, watched tv and ate icecream. Today we went to a park were we hang out with Emma, Emma, Anna and Idun. Everybody brought food with themselves and we had a little picnic. It was a bit cold but I hadn't any leggings, beacuse I thought that it was going to be warmer, but I'm still alive hehe. Btw I painted my nails black, love it!

Igår sov jag över hos Ajen. Vi tog det bara lugnt, kollade på tv och år glass. Idag gick vi till stadsparken, där vi chillade med Emma, Emma, Anna och Idun. Alla tog med sig mat och vi hade en liten picknick.  Det va ganska kallt för jag hade inga leggings eftersom jag trodde det skulle vara varmare, men jag lever fortfarande hehe. Btw så har jag målat mina naglar svarta, älskar det!


Yesterday I ate the new Magnum temptation icecream. It was really good, but it can't beat ben&jerry. The chewing gum on the lower picture is my new addiction. It taste watermelon, yummie!

Igår smakade jag på den nya Magnum temtation. Den var verkligen god, men den kan inte slå ben&jerry. Tuggummit på den nedre bilden är mitt nya beroende. Det smakar vattenmelon, yummie!


My day started at Espresso House where I ate late breakfast with Lollo, Pegz and Lydia. Than we went of to school for two lessons, physics and math. After that, I met Ajen for Italian pear icecream in the sun at stortorget. Love it there, it's a square here in Lund that's in the middle of city and when it's sunny everybody comes here and just chill out.


Idag efter skolan ringde jag till Lydia och tvingade ner henne på stan. Eftersom hon hade så mycket skolarbete var jag tvungen att locka henne med glass och självklart funkade de hehe. Enda tills klockan var halv sex satt vi på stortorget och åt våra glassar och jag frös inte en enda gång, helt underbart, våren har verkligen kommit!

Today after school I called Lydia and forced her down to town. Beacuse she had much schoolwork I had to entice her with icecream and it worked hehe. We sat on the square until half six and ate our ice creams and I didn't froze one single time! Spring is here!


Jag har precis skrivit klart min engelska film recension på filmen "The Shawshank Redemption". Just nu sitter jag med en kopp grönt mangote i min hand och lyssnar på Pete Dohertys nya cd. Ni måste höra Broken love song, så fin! Jag lägger upp den senare ikväll. Jag började min dag på Espresso house med scones, sen gick jag till Len hud och fick ansiktsbehandlingen, grymt skönt! Massage och allt! Nu ska jag läsa recension för mamma och förhoppningsvis få lite konstruktiv kritik. Kramar!

I've just finished my english film review on the film "The Shankshaw Redemption". Now I'm sitting with a cup of green mango tea in my hand and listen to Pete doherty's new album. You have to listen to Broken love song, it's beautiful! I'll post it to you later tonight. I started my day at Espresso house with a scone, than I went to Len hud for my facial, amazing! Massage and everything. Loved it! Now I'll read the review for my mum and hopefully get some constructive critic. Love these pics btw. Hugs!


Idag efter kemiprovet stack Peggy, Lollo och jag till det nya köpcentret Entré i Malmö. Stort, luftigt och fint där inne, men utbudet av butiker var inget speciellt. Den enda butiken jag såg fram emot var Mango men den var ganska liten. Sen så tog vi en snabbfika på Wayne's coffee. Jag drack en hallonsmoothie, Lollo åt scones och Pegz åt en chokladkaka. Imorron är vi lediga, förutom att jag ska till skolan en halvtimme för utvecklingssamtal med min mentor. Efter det ska jag på ansiktsbehandling på Len Hud, ska bli så skönt! Nu ska jag börja på min engelska Filmrecension på filmen "The Shawshank Redemption" som ska vara inlämnad imorron. Ha det fint kram!

Today after the chemistry test Peggy, Lollo and I went to the new mall "Entré" in Malmö. It was really large but the supply of stores was nothing special. The only store I was looking forward to was Mango but it was pretty small. Than we took a coffee break at Wayne's coffee. I drank a raspberry smoothie, Lollo ate scones and Peggy took a chocolate cake. We're free from school tomorrow, exept for a quick meeting with my teacher. After that I have an appointment for a facial at "Len Hud". Now I'll start to write on my english review on the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" that's going to be hand in tomorrow. Hugs!


I just had two short lessons today, so after school, Peggy, Lollo and I went to a bakery and bought the most delicious cardamom cakes. After that Peggy and I walked to stadsparken where we sat in the sun, listened  to music that reminds us of summer and ate our cakes. In the afternoon I met up with Rebecca and Ajen and hang out with them for a while.


Yesterday Valeria and I went to Nova after school. I had to change my computer mouse and Valeria bought some presents. Before we went home we drank smoothies from naked juice bar. I drank a Love smoothie and Valle took a Shake it. Naked juice bar have got the best smoothies, love them! Btw, today I booked a facial, and I can't wait! My skin is in big need for it! Kisses!



Today after school I felt a bit peckish for candy, so I went to the shop, and I ended up with a half kilo. Now I'm sitting here in front of the computer and feel sick just beacuse I've eaten too much. I'm gonna tell you what I've been eating today. For breakfast I ate a spoon with cottage cheese, on my first class I ate a banana and a lollipop. For lunch I had a little bit yoghurt with a LOT of sugar, and now I'm eating candy and I probably won't be able to eat anythingelse tonight. I might be the most unhealthy person in this country hehe.

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